O nama - Kompp Co

Od našeg osnivanja 2002. godine, specijalizovali smo se za uvoz i prodaju motocikala i skutera. Tokom godina, proširili smo našu ponudu i sada se ponosimo što u našem asortimanu imamo svetski poznate brendove poput Bardahl ulja, Airoh kaciga, i Bering opreme.

Saradnja je ključ našeg uspeha. Ostvarili smo značajne veze sa svim relevantnim kompanijama i moto organizacijama u Srbiji, te smo neizostavan deo svih moto dešavanja u regionu.

Naša misija je da uvek budemo tu za naše cenjene saradnike i kupce, osluškujući njihove kritike, pohvale, očekivanja i želje.

Zahvaljujući vama, pokrenuli smo i ONLINE SHOP kako bismo vam olakšali potragu za delovima i opremom, bilo da je reč o vašem ljubimcu na dva točka ili vama samima.

Kompp Co prodavnica je bogato opremljena, a naš stručni i prijateljski nastrojen tim je tu da vam pruži najbolji mogući savet i uslugu.

Kontaktirajte nas

Naši brendovi

Prodaja motora, moto opreme i moto delova

Mi nudimo kvalitet

Šta su rekli naši kupci

  • This place sells scooters and related motorcycle equipment. The store is very well stocked, and the staff is super chill. They’ve been more than good to me and my two-wheeler so I got nothing but praise.


    But a lot of young dudes working, so they can be a bit goofy (and I mean this as a compliment) but they’re professional so… No complaints there. 🙂

    Array Marko Stojić
  • I‘m from Germany and I’m travelling eastern Europe on a 30 year old Yamaha Motorbike. I went to the shop because I needed a new chain and new sprockets. The staff was really friendly, professional and we had some nice conversations. After some minutes of searching in the warehouse they found all parts I needed, which is definitely not common for such an old bike. After that, one of the staff ( sorry I can‘t remember your name…) guided me to the workshop of his friend 2km away to mount the new chain. Also his friend did excellent work. So if you‘re travelling on a motorcycle and need some parts or a repair, that‘s the place to go in Belgrad!
    Thank you very much for everything!

    Array Robin Kleemann
  • The shop is well equipped, the employees are friendly and know what they are doing. They sell and install tires.
    I received good advice, both from younger and older colleagues.


    Kudos to you, keep up the good work.

    Array Nemanja Stojković
  • A large selection of motorcycle equipment, parts, tires and everything you need to maintain a motorcycle, with very fair prices. Friendly sellers who devote themselves to every customer as much as possible!

    Array Milan Djurković
  • All recommendations for cooperation. Expert and professional staff. Definitely the most equipped in the region!

    Array Nebojša Dobrica