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Vaši lični podaci će se koristiti kako bi podržali vaše iskustvo na ovoj veb lokaciji, za upravljanje pristupom vašem nalogu, i za druge svrhe opisane u našoj politici privatnosti.
This place sells scooters and related motorcycle equipment. The store is very well stocked, and the staff is super chill. They’ve been more than good to me and my two-wheeler so I got nothing but praise.
But a lot of young dudes working, so they can be a bit goofy (and I mean this as a compliment) but they’re professional so… No complaints there. 🙂
I‘m from Germany and I’m travelling eastern Europe on a 30 year old Yamaha Motorbike. I went to the shop because I needed a new chain and new sprockets. The staff was really friendly, professional and we had some nice conversations. After some minutes of searching in the warehouse they found all parts I needed, which is definitely not common for such an old bike. After that, one of the staff ( sorry I can‘t remember your name…) guided me to the workshop of his friend 2km away to mount the new chain. Also his friend did excellent work. So if you‘re travelling on a motorcycle and need some parts or a repair, that‘s the place to go in Belgrad!
Thank you very much for everything!
Radnja dobro opremljena, zaposleni ljubazni i znaju šta rade. Vrše prodaju i montažu moto guma.
Dobio sam dobre savete, kako od mlađih tako i od starijih kolega. Za svaku pohvalu, samo tako nastavite.
Velik izbor moto opreme, delova, guma i svega što vam treba za održavanje motocikla, sa veoma korektnim cenama. Ljubazni prodavci koji se posvete svakom kupcu maksimalno!
Sve preporuke za saradnju. Osoblje stručno i profesionalno. Definitivno najopremljeniji u regionu!